Hammer parts for GP
BACK CHECK for GP with nickeled wire
Length 88 mm
Quantity unit: set
BACK CHECK for GP with deer leather pad, without wire, with hole
Quantity unit: set
FLANGES for GP HAMMERSHANK - YAMAHA type, with adjustment screw
FLANGES for GP HAMMERSHANK - standard type, with adjustment screw
FLANGES for GP HAMMERSHANK - standard type, with adjustment screw
46-A Abel sfusi
ABEL HAMMER SHANKS for GP, standard type, hornbeam, with flange and knuckle - piece
Quantity unit: piece
ABEL HAMMER SHANKS for GP, standard type, hornbeam, with flange and knuckle
Quantity unit: set
46-B Abel
ABEL HAMMER SHANKS for GP, standard type, hornbeam, treble section channeled, with flange and knuckle
Quantity unit: set
46-B Abel sfusi
ABEL HAMMER SHANKS for GP, standard type, hornbeam, treble section channeled, with flange and knuckle - piece
Quantity unit: piece
46-B Renner
RENNER HAMMER SHANKS for GP, standard type, hornbeam, treble section channeled, with flange and knuckle
Quantity unit: set
HAMMER SHANKS for GP, standard type, hornbeam, with flange, without knuckle
46-D sfusi
HAMMER SHANKS for GP, hornbeam, with knuckle, without flange
Quantity unit: set
46-E sfusi
RENNER HAMMER SHANKS for GP, standard type, hornbeam, with flange and knuckle
Quantity unit: set
47-A sfusi
HAMMER SHANKS for GP 'BLÜTHNER', hornbeam (old type) - piece
HAMMER SHANKS for GP YAMAHA, hornbeam, with flange and knuckle, recent model
Quantity unit: set
48-A sfusi
HAMMER SHANKS for GP YAMAHA, hornbeam, with flange and knuckle, recent model - piece
Quantity unit: piece
HAMMER SHANKS for GP YAMAHA, hornbeam, with flange and knuckle, old type
Quantity unit: set
48-B sfusi
HAMMER SHANKS for GP YAMAHA, hornbeam, with flange and knuckle, old type - piece
Quantity unit: piece
50-A sfusi
ABEL HAMMER SHANKS for GP STEINWAY, 'Amburgo type', treble section channeled, with screw, flange and knuckle
Quantity unit: set
50-Abel sfusi
ABEL HAMMER SHANKS for GP STEINWAY, 'Amburgo type', treble section channeled, with screw, flange and knuckle - piece
TOKIWA HAMMER SHANKS for GP STEINWAY, 'Amburgo type', treble section channeled, with screw, flange and knuckle
Quantity unit: set
HAMMER SHANKS for GP STEINWAY, 'New York type', treble section channeled, with screw, flange and knuckle
Quantity unit: set
51- sfusi
HAMMER SHANKS for GP STEINWAY, 'New York type', treble section channeled, with screw, flange and knuckle - piece
Quantity unit: piece
HAMMER SHANKS for GP STEINWAY, 'New York type', treble section channeled, with screw, flange, without knuckle